Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Burning Man Jr.

We had a bonfire last weekend to chase away the dark.
Some picnic tables and at least one Adirondack chair
were ashes the next morning. They took a torch for the team.
Posted by Hello

Burning Man
takes place in 6 months.
It last occurred 6 months ago. It's like we're on the dark side of the Burning Man Moon.

Burning Man's 2005 Art Theme will be
"Psyche: the Conscious, the Subconscious and the Unconscious."
Our theme explores psychology:
self-expression, self-reflection
and the unconscious power of dreams.
Tales from the Playa

You can only do things for the first time once

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What, you now have ads. YOU SELL OUT!!
I might as well read MAXIM if you accept pornagraphy and ads. Wait maybe we could start an online magazine.